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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
Posts: 3,837
Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
Posts: 3,837
09/25/2005 3:29 pm
I just thought that you'd all like to know that I sold my Fender FM212R because it was much too loud for what I needed it for (small gigs) I was drowning out the PA, and the drummer had to play louder so that he could keep up with me, (this was with my volume on 3! and if you put the volume to 2, then it's barely audible... it's a huge jump in volume between 2 and 3.) so, I sold it yesterday for $250. I turned around a couple hours later (after seeing tim burton's corpse bride with my girlfriend) and went to the guitar shops (we have 2 small ones right across the street from each other) and I found a peavey classic 30! it needed new tubes, and I think it was used. I didn't see a price, but I figured it would cost too much to buy and then replace the tubes. so, I went across the street and tried out a line 6 spider II 30, and, I walked out of the store with that amp! the total cost of the amp and 2 button footswitch was $248.78 so, I walked out of that store with $1.22 in my pocket (don't you love making a profit?) I've been messing around with it all night, and I have to gig with it in about 2 hours!
but anyways, I just thought I'd let you guys know, or at least let the people that actually care know
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