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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
Posts: 3,837
Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
Posts: 3,837
10/25/2005 6:11 am
alright update time!

I just ordered a wah off musicians friend... and I got a... dunlop original crybaby. why? because first of all, it was only $70 compared to the other wahs I was looking at. second of all, I decided against the morley for one reason and one reason only, I don't like how it turns off when you take your foot off it, I'd rather have something with a footswitch.. I decided against an ibanez weeping demon (mentioned in another thread) because I could not find any sound clips, and I knew so little about it, plus it looks wierd.. I took the crybaby because 1: it's got the footswitch thing, 2: because it's a very well known and popular pedal, probably the most popular wah, and 3: it was cheaper.

I ordeded it tonight, hopefully it will be here by friday...
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