What makes you play the guitar?

Cryptic Excretions
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Cryptic Excretions
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04/04/2005 3:38 pm
Oh, I'd say I'm involved in music for a few reasons. Back when I was in my mid-teens I was a hollow kid to say the least. I held no direction in life and felt nothing about a lot of things. It should be noted that I didn't even listen to music at this time. When I did start listening to music, however, I felt a bit lifted. Granted I was still empty, but I didn't feel so lifeless. When I began playing music, my instrument of choice being bass, I found myself with some direction. Of course, my primary tastes were trendy, mainstream and nothing overly challenging. About a year after I started bass I acquired my first electric guitar. The complexity of the guitar intimidated me (I was still unaware of how hard bass can be mind you) so I didn't play too much. As time passed I began finding better musicians, better music, better musicianship, structure, variety, everything and it was that day that my entire tastes would shift 180. I broke away from mainstream music and became a death metal head. True metal. Of course I don't listen exclusively to death metal, that's just my favorite. In the process of this 180 shift, I also developed tastes for various types of rock, blues, progressive and even several types of music that typically don't even include a guitar and began considering myself a "guitarist" over "bassist". I've been playing for about 3 years now and I consider myself to be a competant player (not the best so don't mention my boasting). I've got a lot to learn yet, but now I know where I need to improve which is different from when I was just playing bass. After all of this for an experience, I've deduced that music gave me direction, it filled in a big blank. In a sense, it saved my life. I play now because I owe my life to my music. I feel as though it is my responsability to make the best music I can and to take things as far as they can go. That is why I am in music and that is what I plan on doing with music. I'm not gonna turn into Preacher Excretions on you all, but as far as my opinion goes, music (arguably art in its many forms) is the closest thing to the supernatural that we can comprehend. Regardless of what race, religion, gender, personality, etc. you are. Music is there. It's always been there and I doubt life would be worth it if it wasn't there. No matter what genre of music, it's there, and people are enjoying it. I'm really not opinionated about music, just what I music I prefer to listen to. I'd really rather see someone happily listening to rap than to see someone that doesn't listen to any kind of music. Tis a waste. My mom's last boyfriend didn't listen to music. Not a bit. Everything he heard he insulted. He was also an extreme jerk. I concluded that he needed music in his life. Just something he could listen to to free himself. To fill that gap that I once had. Music is one thing I have never taken for granted and hope that I never will.

Originally Posted by: chucklivesoninmyhearthow bout this...would cobain be nearly as respected or regarded so greatly if the music never got air time and minimal publicity?

How about this, if Cobain didn't die and continued to make music, would we still regard him as such a "legend"? Think about it, how long would grunge have lasted? If he kept making grunge then who's to say it wouldn't have been overdone and thus making him a has been?
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would

Hulk Smash!!

Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 1
Guitar Hurricane
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Guitar Hurricane
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04/07/2005 2:09 am
The girlfriend...and to escape reality.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 2
Obsessed Freak
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Obsessed Freak
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04/07/2005 2:15 am
because its the best thing ever invented and nothing else matters when your playing guitar
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.

Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
# 3
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04/07/2005 2:24 am
Playing guitar is my release, the one thing I can count on when everything and everyone else lets me down, there is nothing like a quick blues lick or a bone-crunching metal riff to take you to a better place.
"Live your life while you have it. A life not lived is a life wasted, and a life wasted is unforgivable."
Tyler Wilkins
Feb 2003
# 4
SG Supreme
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SG Supreme
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04/07/2005 3:01 am
I took up guitar as I grew tired of playing the "air guitar " hehehehe...

I wanted to be able to play along with the greats in the business that I like.
Like Angus Young, SRV, The Clash, Rick Derringer etc.

Guitaring is also very relaxing and there is always room for improvement.
So the challenge never ends.

Pickin' and Grinnin'

# 5
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04/24/2005 5:47 pm
I feel like I am flyin when I play my Guitar.
# 6
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04/25/2005 11:19 am
self expression.....an escape for me......
a release valve of everyday ****!...hehehe
I enjoy all types of music (except counrty and opera)
Metal from the 70s and 80 i what I like......
the power.......RAW POWER.......
IF its TOO Loud, Your TOO old....
# 7

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