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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
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Proud Celica Enthusiast
Joined: 08/14/04
Posts: 3,837
04/13/2006 7:05 am
I was thinking the same things pretty much. I thought it just kinda went on too long and was too repetitive.
I think it would sound better on acoustic, but I don't have a mic, or a steel-string acoustic. I have a classical, but playing chords on one of those things is so weak that the clean electric is just so much better. maybe after I get my dream studio all set up :rolleyes:
and I too thought that the lead was kinda boring. I can definately do better, but my creativity with leads doesn't really come out real good unless my backing has drums and bass. again, maybe after I get my dream studio set up.
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