Away From The guitar....

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01/21/2002 10:51 pm
Hey Folks I had an interesting topic I wanted to throw around. I think we could all benefit from it. I'd like to know what people do away from their guitars to improve their playing? Sound Weird? Not Really. Does meditation help some people? Hiking? Video games? stimulants?

For me , I really enjoy that feeling after a good workout, that "high" you get from aerobic activity(running,biking,etc..) . I find that after a good workout, My head is clear and my practice sessions are far more productive. I was just curious waht others do andif it helps their playing. I might just try it out!

# 1
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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01/22/2002 12:20 am

Well, I exercise a bit, not really because I care about being healthy so much, but because I read somewhere that exercise can actually make you smarter.

Exercising increases blood flow to the brain, strengthens your immune system, and gives your nervous system a boost.

So if all this is true, then it would follow that exercising could make you a better guitarist in the long run.

# 2
Joined: 09/25/01
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01/22/2002 6:11 am
I take heavy drugs...

Well, it used to work in the 60s...
# 3
Big as Elvis, Baby
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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01/22/2002 6:33 am
I like to meditate about exercising, really, the best advice I could give is to live a well rounded life, the brain needs stimulation, the fingers need rest, the heart needs the exercise, the soul needs love and to give love, live life and enjoy it.....
# 4
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01/22/2002 10:59 pm
on resistance training. Some guitarists / Teachers will reprimand you for weight-training your forearms to improve your playing, yet Studies show that resistance training WHEN DONE CORRECTLY actually improves, flexibility, stamina , and speed. I subscribe to the latter theory.
# 5

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