LS200 Rock Me Baby

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08/08/2011 8:10 am
This is a tribute to my bro's Tokai LS 200 Les Paul...possibly the best copy ever of the 1959 Les...!!! I've had this amazing guitar available to me for a while but never really played it because I knew of I did I would never want to let it go...Now it's been sold and will soon be on it's way from the UK to Australia...I wrote this one short song on it....OMG...the tone of this thing just blows me away...!!!!

Good bye LS 200...

Sheds a little tear.....
# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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08/08/2011 8:56 pm
Must be sad to see her go! Good song though and it sounds great!

-GT Admin
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# 2
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08/08/2011 9:34 pm
Yeah it will be sad when she goes...but that's the main reason I never really played her...just so I didn't have to give up something I'd really dug for a long time.

You can get LS 120' with ht e same pickups for a lot less money and still get the tone...I might think about it one day...!!!!

The thing about my bro's LS200 is that it's a bit of a celerity...The general consensus on the Tokai forum is that my bro's LS200 has the best burst and the best flame top Tokai ever basically it's generally agreed that it's the best guitar Tokai ever made...and this is reflected in the sold for thousands...

God I wish I could have bought it...!!!!
# 3

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