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Joined: 04/13/13
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05/09/2013 6:48 pm
Originally Posted by: Elliott JeffriesThings we don't like to admit, or things we might not think of? I've noticed that I can identify with styles based on other perceptions besides the music. I will grow to like an artist if I like the personality or image that's projected, even if I don't like the music initially. I've grown to like music I didn't like when I first heard it through repeated listening. This kind of appreciation and style identification is a little more complex than talking about the kind of music we already like.

Perception is key Elliot. But most people, musicians or not, can recognize SRV playing within his genre or not, on songs they know or have never heard of. Identity, in this manner, transcends perception and whether or not you like the artist or not.

Born vs. Made? Many would say it's born. We love our geniuses and heroes. SRV, like Vai, spent more hours practicing than most pros ever will doing both practicing and performing. That's something we may not like to admit or even know. Also... when it comes down to actually practicing the right way for something, it can be hard among most musicians to even agree that really there is a right way. Mindless noodling or 15 min of focused practice. There's so many other elements possibly that are small, or I don't like to admit that could be part of it. That's why I called the brainstorm.