Study practice question: Triads/Inversions

sabrina Leigh
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sabrina Leigh
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04/19/2014 7:20 pm
Wow. So I'm up to Triads and Inversions and I find it very complex and interesting. I do feel like I am missing a HUGE part of something and that this is a bit too advanced. I'm curious as to how to tackle these lessons. Is there something I should be studying separate from this course that would help me. I understand the triads and inversions to some degree but I don't know where all the notes are on the fret board. Is there a better way to learn where they are? An easy way as opposed to a harder way or I should say the best way to learn the fret board? I'm fine until Chris leaves the "safe zone", meaning frets one through five. Anything past those frets and I'm lost. Suggestions?
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04/20/2014 5:53 pm
Originally Posted by: sabrina LeighWow. So I'm up to Triads and Inversions and I find it very complex and interesting. I do feel like I am missing a HUGE part of something and that this is a bit too advanced. I'm curious as to how to tackle these lessons.[/QUOTE]
Hey, there! Yes, you are absolutely right about triads & inversions being complex. If you are a beginner & this is your first time through the GF courses, then you really only need to take 2 things from this tutorial.

1. It is possible to play any given chord in more than one place on the guitar.
2. Chords repeat themselves over & again across any musical instrument.

We all have to start somewhere. And that obviously means we have to learn that the C major chord is one certain shape. This tutorial is the first step toward unlocking & mapping the fretboard. So we can see beyond that one concrete, physical chord shape in order to see how music works on the guitar. There are C major chords all over the place!

This tutorial is the first time that many guitar students are introduced to the idea that those chord shapes they know are not the only way to play chords.

It is an ongoing process! :) It's one that will take a long time to grasp the full implications & being able to use. It's still something I work on everyday! Learning to use the whole guitar, learning to play music on the guitar & not just whatever shapes I happen to know. This tutorial is just an intro to that idea.
[QUOTE=sabrina Leigh]I understand the triads and inversions to some degree but I don't know where all the notes are on the fret board. Is there a better way to learn where they are? An easy way as opposed to a harder way or I should say the best way to learn the fret board? I'm fine until Chris leaves the "safe zone", meaning frets one through five. Anything past those frets and I'm lost. Suggestions?

Take it one step at a time. Work on learning the notes of one string one week. Learn the notes on another string the next week. People learn at different rates. People have different amount of free time to devote to practicing. Just don't get overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time as you are realistically able.

Regarding the triads, just practice one set of inversions on one week. Move to the next lesson. So, this week, for example, just do lesson 5.

Work on nothing but that for a few days or a week. Then try the next lesson example the following week.

In the end you aren't required to know or be able to play every triad & inversion after you go through this tutorial the first time! Just play through the examples. Realize those two objectives I listed above are good enough for a beginner & go forward in the course! :)

Remember that all the courses are concise & designed for multiple viewings & re-viewings as you gradually gain more physical skill, confidence & are ready to apply newer concepts.

Hope this helps! Ask more if necessary. Have fun & best of success!
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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sabrina Leigh
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sabrina Leigh
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04/21/2014 11:38 pm
That will be very helpful. IT's very overwhelming. ITs funny how the way you describe it helps it seem a bit more attainable. Also funny how something that logical couldn't be realized in my own mind because basically it looked like advanced Chinese. A **** ton of upside down and crazy. I get it with the one string thing. Whew.
On with the show! And thanks again.
# 3
sabrina Leigh
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sabrina Leigh
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04/21/2014 11:43 pm
Should I learn the fretboard first and then the inversions or does it matter?
# 4
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04/22/2014 12:58 am
Glad to help!
Originally Posted by: sabrina LeighShould I learn the fretboard first and then the inversions or does it matter?

You should make the time to learn the notes of the fretboard. Those are more fundamental. But notice that you really only need to know the notes of the first 5 frets. That will help you get the basics of the inversions lesson.

There are a couple of other higher frets required eventually, but you can extrapolate those from the first 5 frets as you get more advanced!

Bottom line, right now just learn the notes as presented in GF1. Play the inversion shapes, then keep going forward.

Remember, you are not done with the fundamentals after you watch the vids or go through the course once. :) Like all education, this is meant to be watched, rewatched, viewed & reviewed multiple times.

If you keep practicing regularly, then each time you go through it you'll be able to pick up more from the material. Take your time, be patient with yourself. Enjoy the process. Have fun!

Best of success. :)
Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

Christopher Schlegel Lesson Directory
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sabrina Leigh
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sabrina Leigh
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04/23/2014 1:16 am
You've been more than generous with your time.
I'm just going to try and get through the vids even if I don't fully understand what is going on in certain ones. Still do the exercises but i seem to be putting more pressure on myself than needed. I'll go back through all of the lessons from the start when I'm finished. I suppose breaking it up by learning a song or something might help me skate along with a bit more inspiration.
Anyway thanks for your time. It is really appreciated. Bit overwhelming.

:::smiley face:::
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