my first official!

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09/24/2014 11:06 pm

found this track hanging out on my boss js10,and had no idea what to do with it.
used my se prs navarro.
bridge pu.
theres some higups on it,but thats ok ,the next one ill acuatlly think what im
hope this solves it. i accidentally removed the first here!
# 1
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09/25/2014 1:00 pm
Excellent Axe!!! That's awesome that you can now make recordings over backing tracks and post them!!

Love the tone. By the end where you got a better feel for the track, you had some good stuff going on there. I love the slow bends you did at one point - you totally nailed the pitch!!

I've been eyballing the GT-100 because it's based on the same amp simulation technology they use is the same as in the JS-10 you have. The tone of any recordings I've heard made with that are just awesome!
# 2

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09/25/2014 2:51 pm
Thanks for listening.
Im gonna give that track another shot, but this time i will be ready. I never heard that track before, so i just hit record with no thought process.
Im sure now i can make it Sound better.
# 3
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09/25/2014 3:37 pm
I'm not sure I'd know what to do with that backing track. Some just speak to me, others...not so much :-).

I'm happy to listen to anything you post. Fun, isn't it?

Sounding good!!
# 4
Steve Barrow
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Steve Barrow
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09/25/2014 3:45 pm
Really nice - subtle note changes, great sustain, very hypnotic. I could imagine listening with a psychedelic light show in the background. thanks, Steve
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09/25/2014 9:34 pm
Thanks Steve. Thanks for listening.
Im glad you liked it!. And yes it is alot of fun .
So pls don't get annoyed if i just throw a lick out there lol.
I m thinking i played to to much on that track. It could of used some rests,slow bends ,vibrato and a couple of licks. Some trem bar . i may hook up my wah pedal to the boss for that track. Yeah thats what it needs. Man this is cool. Took me long enough ha.
# 6

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09/25/2014 9:41 pm
Originally Posted by: maggiorI'm not sure I'd know what to do with that backing track. Some just speak to me, others...not so much :-).

I'm happy to listen to anything you post. Fun, isn't it?

Sounding good!!

Thanks rich i appreciate that! Lord knows it took me long enough lol. And hell yeah its a blast. Im hooked.

I have some cool bt on my pc,from cds i ripped but its crazy im having trouble syncing them to a flash drive.
Im gonna head this topic over to recording. Thanks again rich!
# 7
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09/27/2014 5:54 am
Cool vibe you've developed playing over that backing track. It's the type of song where it sounds like John McLaughlin could come in any minute and start shredding lol.

Nice work.
# 8

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09/27/2014 5:27 pm
Thanks b, for lisenting.
Im may give it another shot, just for the fun off it.
And see if i can add some cool licks,not sure about shredding well maybe alittle.
Btw bbw , i think ur way a head of ur self. Meaning your playing is advancing at a high rate. So what ever your doing don't stop!. Peace bro.
# 9
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09/27/2014 9:11 pm
Thanks for the kind words.
# 10

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09/28/2014 1:30 am
Originally Posted by: bbzswa777Thanks for the kind words.

No problem, ur welcome. .
# 11
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10/12/2014 2:02 pm
Pretty cool for just finding the track and pressing the REC button on the first time, you caught up with it real nice. You got potential of coming up with something really good if you take the time and work on it.
# 12

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10/12/2014 7:38 pm
Thanks man,I appreciate ur input.
The whole track is in g minor. So im thinking g phyrgian .
# 13

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