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Joined: 06/01/24
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Joined: 06/01/24
Posts: 0
11/05/2015 10:58 pm
Originally Posted by: maggiorIt's been a long time since I've posted anything here. Some people were following my progress here so I thought I'd share some of the current stuff I've been doing.

I've actually found myself a paying gig. Can you believe it!?!? The lead guitarist of for a local duo retired to Florida and I was asked to replace him. I've been spending a LOT of time learning a pile of songs that are new to me. We did some free things as a trial run. Last week was our official debut and it went well. We were well received. This was a relief for me because the guitarist I've replaced is a phenominal player, so I was concerned about filling his shoes. I can't play like he does, so I just play like I do...I make it work and people seem to like it.

So if you'd like, check out the links for some highlights of our debut performance. I'm having the time of my's a dream realized for me. The support and instruction I received here was a big part helping me get here. A special nod to Anders whose advice has helped me tremendously. Anders' approach to the guitar and music is also very inspiring. I thank you all!! I hope you enjoy watching and listening.

loved all of it rich,very happy 4 ya that your out there doing what you love to do....great playing....