This Garage Band guitarist from Brooklyn is back!

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Joined: 05/29/17
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Joined: 05/29/17
Posts: 5
06/01/2017 1:58 pm

Like a lot of guys growing up in the 60's, I had a garage band. We played a lot of the Stones as well as other Pop groups of the era. Sweet 16 partys, School dances and the like. Viet Nam brought me into the military and nearly 50 years later and having raised a wonderul family, I found myself wanting to pick up the guitar once again... So... I ran out to Sam Ash Music store, bought myself a guitar and began looking around for an online site that I thought would provide what I'm looking for. So far I'm pretty confident that I've found that site in I'm not going to rush past anythng. It's been a long time, so going back over the basics seems like the right thing for me at this point.

# 1
Guitar Tricks Admin
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Guitar Tricks Admin
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06/01/2017 4:58 pm

Hi rbjordan,

Glad to have you here at Guitar Tricks! It's never too late to learn guitar. Feel free to browse the rest of these forums for tips and fun conversation.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your progress!



If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us.
# 2
Registered User
Joined: 01/05/16
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Joined: 01/05/16
Posts: 239
06/05/2017 7:48 pm

Welcome RB. I too had a garage band in the 60's and after 50 years I finally stared playing again. I was amazed that I completed Fundamentals 1 and 2 within about a month or so. Here is a suggestion: Go through Fundamentals 1 and 2, and get to where you have the open chords down and you also can play some barre chords. If you get bored like I did, I started practicing some of the songs, and now I am working on Country 1, then Country 2. Here's a trivia, my first song I learned on Guitar was Little Black Egg, and yours?? Welcome to Guitar Tricks!! You picked the best lessons online as far as I am concerned.

# 3

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