The Old Folks' Beginners Thread

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05/26/2019 6:47 am
Originally Posted by: Simon KeyesWhat I'm asking is the transitions appear difficult initially ; I assume with continued practice that this become achievable and almost a natural action ?[/quote]

Reiterating for clarity, the short answer is yes. Stated in the last sentence of paragraph three and expanded upon in four of my previous post.

From your mention of "power chords in the bank" I thought you must have started F2. I don't recall them being taught earlier here, but it's been a while. Unless you were mistakenly referring to the "5-CHORD POWER-PACK" (colloquial GT jargon) lesson in F1 which in retrospect I now think you were, something entirely different from power chords per se, as you'll discover when you start F2.

[quote=Simon Keyes]One thing that seems very important seems to be thumb position.........????

Thumb position is definitely important but placement taught is a guide. Guitar necks and individual hands and fingers are different. Like strumming or how to hold the pick, don't over think it or get too rigid about it, figuratively or literally.

Discomfort stretching for reach is normal when starting, but as time goes by and your muscles adapt you'll realise what is a reasonable stretch and thumb placement for your hand posture to stand clear around the neck and fingers and tips to present for clean chords for you and what isn't, or is working right and isn't. As long as the thumb is more vertical than horizontal for most (open) chords and supports the fingers with the necesssary leverage.

For instance I defy anyone to play open F with their thumb vertical unless they have hands like Godzilla, but by the same token don't get into the easy trap but bad habit of laying the thumb horizontally along the neck for that chord either. Adaptive awareness is key.

# 1
Simon Keyes
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Simon Keyes
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05/26/2019 10:50 am

manXcat ; perfect ; understood.

for reference i did indeed mean the 5-chord power pack from Fundementals 1 [i'm only 4/5ths the way through this course and stalling on the chord transitions a wee bit].

I'm reluctant to progress beyond these 5 open chords until my transitioning is sufficiently smooth.

I assume to progress beyond this point is fruitless unless the transitions are perfect ?

edit : I practised C to Am to G on the metronome tonight at 50bpm for an hour.

As if by magic it started to click then my fingers started to naturally gravitate towards their correct landing position.

I assume this is the start of the naturally occurring chord transitions?

# 2
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05/27/2019 8:05 pm

59 here{60 next month}

First time in a constructed? lessons.

Since SS put me on the dl i figure what else do I have to do :] These chord transitions and barre chords are killing me but practisepractise,practise. Ive been noodling with a giutarmfor awhile now,time to get serious.

Right now Im listening to Blood On The Tracks,someday

My GF bought me a CV 50 Squire telecaster

Time to get serious.


# 3
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05/27/2019 9:52 pm
Originally Posted by: henrydouglasMy GF bought me a CV 50 Squire telecaster


Don't let her go!

Maple neck in classic Butterscotch Blonde too I see. Or is that just reflected yellow incandescent light on a Vintage Blonde body in your avatar pic?

And hi Doug! Welcome to the GT forums.

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05/27/2019 10:26 pm

No its Butterscotch Blonde and thanks!

# 5
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05/28/2019 3:20 am

Welcome new Old Folk Beginners!

Keep working those Fundamentals, they pay off big time down the road.

# 6
Simon Keyes
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Simon Keyes
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05/28/2019 9:05 am
Originally Posted by: sgautier8th

Keep working those Fundamentals, they pay off big time down the road.

that's great to know thanks.

i have a friend at work who's a great player ; he fully understands a lot of the theory behind chord structure so his input and our wee jam sessions are really helping me improve.

regarding theory, how much are we exposed too in the fundamental series ?

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05/28/2019 12:12 pm

I'm 70 years old and I started from scratch five months ago, browsing in the net to get notions and "stealing" teachings in weekly jam sessions with a group of experieced players.[br]What fascinates me is the beauty of making music that combines precision (I love sooooo much maths!) to emotions, and to bodymind coordination and awareness.

# 8
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05/28/2019 12:20 pm

I have been at it about five weeks and have made a lot of progress. Of course I am only at the end of the five chord power pack but to me that is significant. I have been looking at the chords for songs I like. I am happy to find a lot of the songs I would like to play use these five chords. I am no where near trying them yet. I have no strumming patterns and I want to progress further before I start attempting these songs.


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06/07/2019 11:32 am

So far as near as I can tell I am the oldest here at 71. I have been practicing since April 13th. So far I made it through the 5 chords and the Key section. My chord switches are not that great and needs a lot more practice. F is hard I get that one about 50% of the time. B is absolutely impossible for me so far. I have not seen that come up in many songs I have looked at which is fine with me. Anyway I have a year membership. Lets see how it is going when it is over. I am in no rush. I am happy with any progress I can make. The chances of me becoming a rock star at this point are pretty poor.

# 10
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06/07/2019 10:21 pm
Originally Posted by: ccangia

The chances of me becoming a rock star at this point are pretty poor.

You never know! There are so many musicians and bands that are just now starting to come out with new music again in their later years.

# 11
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06/07/2019 10:22 pm

49 here. I have been a guitar hack since my teens and finally decided that I want to know what I am playing and why. I have a pretty good ear but knowing the chords and scales is what I am interested in these days.

# 12
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06/08/2019 4:01 pm
Originally Posted by: Simon Keyes
Originally Posted by: sgautier8th

Keep working those Fundamentals, they pay off big time down the road.

regarding theory, how much are we exposed too in the fundamental series ?

In my opinion, and we are all beginners here (I think), A LOT. I strummed a few songs in college and a little after, but never learned any theory and my guitar growth was stunted. Lisa does a phenomenal job of weaving in theory in Fundamentals, without overwhelming you (though it did seem overwhelming at times, but push through and it will be brief).

I am now 4 and 1/2 months "in" to GT - finished F1 and F2 and I'm pretty far into Blues1 and Country1. The REALLY COOL thing is that I can now jump around on YouTube and find stuff and it all makes sense and is easy to pick up BECAUSE I understand the fundamentals and have the benefit of lots of practice at the fundamentals.

Keep strumming !

# 13
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06/08/2019 4:06 pm
Originally Posted by: ccangia

So far as near as I can tell I am the oldest here at 71. I have been practicing since April 13th. So far I made it through the 5 chords and the Key section. My chord switches are not that great and needs a lot more practice.

Are you doing the Fundamentals courses? I highly recomend them. Lisa's teaching progression, to show Power Chords and then work you into Barre Chords is spot on! Keep practicing both. Find a song that you LOVE that has just one change from open chords to a Bar Chord (Imagine was mine) and work on that song for as long as it takes to make it smooth, stopping when you get too frustrated, rest and then come back to it. Because you know and love the song, it will force you to get that transition down in rhythm (slow it way down until you get it and then slowly increase speed - use a metronome). If you love the song and you love music, you'll get it. After that, the next song will be a gazillion time easier (guaranteed).

# 14
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06/11/2019 11:19 am

I made it through the Five Chord Power Pack and took Lisa's advice and did not worry to much about being perfect. Now I am up to the Keys and have begun the key of G. This is where I do not move on till I can play it with her almost perfectly. No one is perfect but I plan to get as close as I can. I am going to continue through the keys that way.

# 15
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06/11/2019 9:02 pm
Originally Posted by: ccangia

I made it through the Five Chord Power Pack and took Lisa's advice and did not worry to much about being perfect. Now I am up to the Keys and have begun the key of G. This is where I do not move on till I can play it with her almost perfectly. No one is perfect but I plan to get as close as I can. I am going to continue through the keys that way.

Been there and "done that", good strategy! IF, however, you become bored and frustrated and can't seem to get it down, I would encourage you to find a simple song or some scales tutorial or something else that you can work on to break up the monotony. We don't want any of our Old Folks Beginners to get bored or frustrated and quit. Keep it fun !!

# 16
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06/11/2019 9:40 pm

Will be 71 this Oct. Come Nov will be 3 years I've practiced. When I say practice I average more than 3 hours a day. I have to admit, think I should be farther along than I am but then again I hear everyone is different. I just signed up to GT(trial period) and hoping it will have something to offer. I’ve been using Yousician most of the time which has been helpful getting chord down well and speed up. Unlike GT it doesn’t have the training video or as many songs yet. The problem I may have, is I like the 50s, 60s, and some 70’s but I don’t see a big selection in that time period (R. Nelson, Elvis, R Orbison Everly Brothers etc.), still there’s a lot, and I will continue checking out songs and the beginners lessons to see what can help me get to the next stage.

At this stage I’m able to use cowboy chords and sing along while playing. Have a fair handle on bar chords too. The songs I play are in their simplified 4 to 5 chord version. Naturally I want more and I’m hoping GT will be able to help get me there. One of the things I’m wondering about in the fundamental lessons is if you’re expected to memorize the scales for each chord. God I hope not, bottom line I do enjoy playing and have acquired more than a few guitars.

# 17
William MG
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06/11/2019 10:24 pm

Hi Dancer

I find the community here positive and helpful. Hopefully you will find value in it and the lessons as well.

Good luck.

PS: Looks like you got a beautiful guitar in your hands!

This year the diet is definitely gonna stick!

# 18
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06/12/2019 3:31 pm

Hi William MG

That's good to hear I'm certainly hoping so. Guitar is my Epiphone Sheraton. However my favorite is the Fender Stratocaster acquired sometime after. GT has a lot of good reviews so I'm hoping that the shoe fits.

Have a great day!

# 19
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06/12/2019 3:44 pm

I'm not old, but I wanted to drop a not of encouragement. I live in New Orleans and lots of bands play bars with older members -> I find it suprising! I also am often impressed by seeing geezers shred it out.

Rock on!

# 20

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