View post (Fingerpick recommendations besides Fred Kelly)

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Joined: 04/17/13
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Joined: 04/17/13
Posts: 695
08/16/2020 7:23 pm

I hybrid pick so I use my fingernails. It can be frustrating, since I do a lot of construction work and the nails get frequently broken.

I have known people who get fake nails glued on their guitar picking fingers. I have one friend who swears it is great. It really looks like a plausable solution. The down side is that you have to keep getting new nails glued on and that cost $. I wish that you could glue those thing on by your self, but I have not seen anything like that available... so I keep working to cultivate my own nails.

I once read an article where the guitarist talked about using Acrilic Powder and glue to reinforce his nails. But I have never seen any of that available either.

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