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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,365
11/03/2020 12:41 pm
Originally Posted by: dalymiddleboroRegimented practice schedule?

Every individual has a different daily life schedule & amount of skill they bring to the task of learning guitar. With that in mind here is a generalized list of how to approach learning & practicing.

It's important to be realistic about your current skill level & goals. Which you provided, thanks!

Having said that, here is my standard reply to students asking for practice plans.

1. Practice your guitar some every day.

2. If at all possible, practice earlier rather than later, so you won't run out of time & then feel guilty about not getting in your daily practice. If this means getting up an hour eariler, then DO IT. This is always preferable to waiting until the end of a long, frazzled workday, then rushing through a tired, uninspired, frustrating practice session. And staying up an hour later to do it!

3. Start with a warm up of something fun that you can already do. Chord changes, a simple song, a scale, a melody. Anything, but something you can already do that is FUN. Even if this is the only thing you do, or have time for, at least you played your guitar, got your fingers & mind moving musically & it was fun.

4. Eventually change to something that is problematic. Something new you are not good at yet. A song section, scales, chord changes, memorizing notes, reading music notation. Spend time learning something new & challenging. Go forward in the Rock course lessons!

It is important to keep in mind that this is new stuff you aren't good at yet. Be patient with yourself. Remember that everyone has to climb the leaning curve. We all had to go through this difficult stage. Some people work faster, some slower, but everyone has to put in their time.

Try to enjoy it. :)

5. End with something fun that you can already do. Run through a song you know & love, just band out some licks or chords you like & are confident in playing. Anything, but something you can already do that is FUN. This lets you end your practice session on a good, productive note. You can leave the guitar satisfied rather than frustrated. You will be encouraged about your skill & look forward to playing the next time or day.

You can do all this once a day or several times throughout the day with breaks in between. This list can be completed in 15 minutes or 8 hours.

So what, when & how to practice depends entirely upon each student's goals & situation. You mentioned some rock bands. Start adding one or two to your practice list.

Blink 182 songs

GT songs catalog

The rock course is a great place to start working on your knowledge & skills.

And we have tutorials dedicated to virtually any guitar technique you might want to learn. So if there is some concept or technique you are looking for more on just ask in the forum & we can point you in the right direction.

Hope that helps! Please ask more if you have more questions. Best of success!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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