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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,397
02/20/2021 6:42 pm
Originally Posted by: SusanMW

I've been thinking about putting locking tuners on my acoustic guitar and am wondering what kinds of things I should be considering. I'd like to go to the guitar store with a little bit of knowledge of them and any first hand knowledge from anyone would be helpful.[/quote][p]I'm not convinced it's a good choice in your situation.

Yes, they do typically hold tune well. But the issue they are designed to fix is usually electric guitarists doing lots of bending, vibrato & vibrato bar techniques that have the potential or tendency to pull the strings out of tune. Hence locking nuts & locking tuners were invented.

If you put them on your guitar, then it's just going to be one more thing you might have to fiddle with in order to get or keep your guitar in tune.

But it could be good. I think talking to a knowledgable guitar store tech is a good idea!

[quote=SusanMW]Because my left hand is out of commission for quite awhile I have been writing short etudes to work on my fingerpicking skills.

That's wonderful! Grat idea. I watched 2 of your vids & you are doing a great job! Well done. :)[br][br]It occured to me that several classical type right hand exercises might be beneficial. Or at least something else for you to work on!

Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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