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Joined: 04/17/13
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Full Access
Joined: 04/17/13
Posts: 695
03/12/2021 4:03 pm

So sorry to hear you did have to go to surgery. Making lemonade is a lot easier on the outside than on the in. The good news is that you still have options.

Make your PT your own personal Rational Adult. Let them control your return to playing after the surgery. Make it clear on your first vist that you want them to activly control your return to playing. Having a good PT on your side is a real help with you start back. They are trained to watch for untoward events and how to deal with them. They are objective and not emotionally attached to returning to the instrument too fast. Too fast can be disasterous in this kind of recovery. I went through massive PT to be able to return to guitar. I am playing again because my Rational Adult was the one who led the way.

I have seen that you are very motivated to master the insturment. That is great, as long as your don't exceed your body's capacity to safely do. So when you start back, get your PT on your team from day one. Let them control "how much, how fast". That is the most direct line to mastery of the insturment after a set physical setback like surgery.

Good luck, hope to see you here again soon after the surgery.

PS. Steve Vie is broadcasting a segement on his web channel, and accoring to

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