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Joined: 04/17/13
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Joined: 04/17/13
Posts: 695
07/01/2021 2:38 pm
Originally Posted by: SusanMW

Haha, that made me laugh.... :)

I had surgery on my fretting hand. I still have to listen very carefully and stop playing when it starts to get painful. Piano remains very gentle and great therapy for my fingers though.


So if your freting hand is complaining about playing guitar....I would suggest trying Bottle Neck Guitar. Tune your guitar to an open chord, put the Bottle Neck on ( you need at least one finger behind the bottle neck to mute the strings behind the Bottle Neck) , and start playing guitar with no chord fingering required. You might find that you even enjoy Bottle Neck.

I am sure there are lessons here on GT about playing Bottle Neck Guitar. Look them up and see if that can fit your ravaging appitite for a wider musical plalette. It could be easier on your individual fingers since there is no need to forms chords with your tender, recovering fingers . You could even try holding the guitar on your lap like a dobrough player if that feels better on your recovering fretting hand (much less counter pressuring thumb/ fingers required) . It could easily be another gateway instrument to learn without having to buy another instrument... bottle necks are cheap! Hell, with a litte imagination and practice, you could even become the world's best Slide Uke Player!

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