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Pull Me Under

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This lesson is going to look at the 2nd verse.

Like the 1st verse, this verse is an 8 bar verse. It's basically a repeating 1 bar figure that is first played in a more subdued fashion, incorporating palm muting and picking every note.

For the 2nd half of the verse it's played using a lot of pull-offs and no palm muting, which makes this half of the verse open up and gives it a lot of energy. This verse switches between an E Minor and E phrygian tonality because of the use of both the F# and F natural.

The verse starts with an E5 16th note grouping and ends with a push into the 2nd bar on a G5.

The last bar of the verse incorporates a single note line in the key of E natural minor, but then reverts back to the phrygian tonality with the reappearance of the F natural.

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Pull Me Under