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More Advanced Country Chords

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In this lesson we'll come up with a practice tune that incorporates all of the new chords and tricks from this tutorial. Let's use our new drop D tuning for this practice tune, and we'll be in the key of D.

I hope this tutorial has given you a solid understanding of how dominant 7 and slash chords can help further and create motion within a basic chord progression. Dominant 7 chords can also be used as static chords, and then you get the bluesier sound. Keep in mind that although most of these examples are very simple you're learning a lot of theory in the process. Many players learn all the playing first, and then they catch up on the theory. Some people learn all the theory and then apply it to the playing aspects. In this course we're merging the theory and the playing as we go. Have fun with it!

Lesson Info
More Advanced Country Chords