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Playing With Another Guitar Player

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Now it's time to play through our practice tune up to speed. First time around I'll play both parts, so you can hear what it's all supposed to sound like. I strongly recommend you put down your guitar and just listen how the two guitars work and sound together for this round.

When you're read to try, I'll just play the basic rhythm part. You can play the complimentary part!

I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial, and that you feel ready to play with another guitar player whenever you get the chance. The first step in learning music is to acquire a bunch of skills, tools and techniques, and the next step is to figure out when and how to use it all. This of course applies just as much when you're playing completely by yourself, but it's extra fun when you play with another guitar player covering the meat and potatoes, because you'll then have much more free reigns to draw from all the tools and tricks you know. Just make sure you remember that the vocal is the boss!

Everything else you do has to be working to support what that's trying to convey, and the ultimate mistake is to get in the way of the vocals in any way. Finally it's worth mentioning that when you play real songs you should always pay attention to the lyrics and try to be aware of what the song is about. That way you'll be in the same headspace as the singer and you'll be more likely to make good decisions with your parts.

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Playing With Another Guitar Player