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Mama Tried

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The first thing you really hear on this recording is a dobro, that has been set up to fret. This dobro belonged to Roy Nichols, and I've seen it mentioned a couple of times in articles about him.

Glen Campbell played it on the recording, and on this part of the intro he used a bar in the 7th fret. The roll combination is what I call crosspicking, with a DUU pattern. This combination is played twice, before the electric guitar comes in with the signature lick.

I also covered that in this lesson, but I do want to mention a couple of other things here. I called these bookend licks in the introduction, because it's the intro and the outro of the song. I also want to mention that the prebend licks are an octave apart.

Next I'll show you the trademark Roy Nichols solo, and tell you how to get the tone.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Mama Tried