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Practicing Major Triads & Inversions Series 3

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This time we use our new concept of close harmony to further incorporate all three chord voicings we've learned thus far: root position, first inversion and second


We start in this exercise with an A major in root position. The closest possible D major chord is a second inversion chord that shares the note A. When two consecutive chords share a note it is called a common tone. The other two notes of the chord move very minimally. One note moves up a half-step and another moves up a whole-step. Pitchwise, from low to high, we get:

C# to D - up half-step (1 fret)

E to F# - up whole-step (2 frets)

A to A - same pitch

We move back to the A major chord. Next we look for the closest possible E major chord. This happens to be the second inversion shape E major below the A major. The high note E is a common tone. The other two notes of the chord move very minimally. One note moves down a whole-step and another moves down a half-step. Pitchwise, from low to high, we get:

C# to B - down whole-step (2 frets)

E to E - same pitch

A to G# - down half-step (1 fret)

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Practicing Major Triads & Inversions Series 3