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Electric Travis Picking

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Before we start digging into all the playing, let's briefly talk about the gear and tone that I'll be using for the examples. As always there's nothing particularly advanced about it, but I will be using a different guitar. This is an old Gibson copy that works just like all the other electric guitars, only that it has a much larger and hollow body. The bigger hollow body makes it sound warmer and a lot closer to the sound of an acoustic guitar. This type of guitar is often referred to as a “jazz box”. I'm on the on the bridge pickup going straight into a modeled version of a small Fender amp with a tiny bit of reverb added. These examples would sound great on my Telecaster as well, only a little bit brighter.

Just like you saw it with the acoustic examples, you can use this technique with your fingers, a regular flat pick or a thumb pick. I'll be using a thumb pick for these examples, but there's never anything wrong with just using your fingers. Remember that if you use a regular flat pick you have to use your 3rd and 4th finger for everything that I'm doing with my 2nd and 3rd finger. Other than that it's the same.

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Electric Travis Picking