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Bluegrass Rhythm: Strumming 16th Notes With Fills

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In this lesson we put all this together, and play the full 1, 4, 5 progression in the key of G

Start out in the G chord for almost two measures, and walk into the 4 chord. Go back to the 1, and then to the 5 chord. Go back to the 1 chord, and play the last measure.

Use up, and downstrokes with the pick, but remember to play the fills with downstrokes.

You should also be able to recognize all these strumming patterns, when you hear them used.

The next tutorial will cover ways to use these strumming patterns, to drive the rhythm of a song.

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Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Bluegrass Rhythm: Strumming 16th Notes With Fills