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B-Bender Guitar: Using It With Chords

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This bend is almost impossible to do without a B bender, it's not easy to bend behind the nut while keeping your fingers in the chord position. You have to free up the index finger, make the chord starting with the middle finger, and it's still hard to reach it.

This position is a basic E chord, and I'm picking each string with a downstroke, starting with the 6th string. After playing the 1st string I pull the bender up a whole step, and then release it.

In this position we are bending the 5th note in the scale up to the 6th note.

Of course this position is movable, just add the bar with the index finger, and make the chord starting with your middle finger.

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Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
B-Bender Guitar: Using It With Chords