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B-Bender Guitar: Using It With Chords

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The first position is the B7 chord, and this one is a whole step bend. Start on the 5th string, and after picking the 2nd string pull the bender up a whole step, and then release it.

The next position is a C7 chord, and you're just moving the formation up one fret. This one only works with a half step bend though, and the next position one fret higher works with a whole step bend.

I won't bore you going through all these positions, that's why I made the video, lol. You may want to take notes though, since the pattern changes when you get to the E chord.

Once again you're just moving the formation up one fret at a time, some work with a whole step bend, and some work with a half step bend. There's even one that I don't think works with either of them, but try it for yourself.

I kept the full formation of the chord, eventhough I was only playing 4 strings in each position.

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Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
B-Bender Guitar: Using It With Chords