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Double Stops

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This lick is called this because it starts in the 5 chord and goes back to the 1 chord, which in this case is an A chord. This is based on what is called the Nashville number system, it is mentioned in most of my lessons.

This has an old country feel to it, and can be used as an intro to many songs. You can also split the licks up, and use them in other ways.

I'm using a flat pick, and the middle, and ring fingers to play the double stops.

I am palm muting some of the strings I play with the pick, and also using my fretboard hand to block some strings. I call these ghost notes in the video, and mention when I'm using my palm to mute the strings.

I use a bar with my index finger, or my middle finger to bar the strings when the double stop is in the same fret. Using a bar also makes it easier to hammer on, with the other fingers. This can also give you time to set your fingers for the next double stop position.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Double Stops