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Double Stops

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I started doing this lick on Alan Jackson's "Don't rock the jukebox" to break the monotony of playing signature licks every night on the road. This lesson has 2 parts, and can be played as the guitar solo in the song.

I'm using a flat pick, and the middle, and ring fingers to play the double stops. The hammer on double stops start with open strings, before you hammer on.

I am also muting some of the strings I play with the pick, these are referred to as ghost notes in the video. I do suggest learning the lick, before you try to do this as it can be frustrating.

This can be used in other songs also, and in other positions on the fretboard with a couple of variations.

This is the first lesson I posted here, and the new video is HD. I played through it using 3 camera views, and put the long explanation at the end. This way if you don't feel you need the long explanation, you don't have to sit through it.

If You have any questions, or would like to be added to my mailing list feel free to contact me.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Double Stops