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Acoustic Fingerpicking 8: Picker's Goldmine!

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This figure uses a combination the 4-Step Pattern and variations, as well as the left-hand technique of a hammer-on.

Here are the steps for this figure:

First: Start by making a D Major chord, then lift your finger off the 1st string so the high E string is now open. This is the Dsus2 chord. Play Variation #1 of the 4-step pattern, in this Dsus2 position. This is measure 1 of this figure.

Next: Begin the next measure with a pinch of the bass note and the highest string, while at the same time hammering onto the second fret of the 1st string with your left middle finger.

Finally: Finish out the measure by completing the pattern on a D major chord.


Lesson Info
Acoustic Fingerpicking 8: Picker's Goldmine!