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Acoustic Fingerpicking 8: Picker's Goldmine!

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This single-measure hammer-on figure works for chords whose bass note is on the 5th string. This would include C, A, Am, and B7.

Here are the steps to this figure:

First: Make the C chord, and play the 4-step pattern once normally.

Next: With your RIGHT hand, play the 4th string open as a bass note with your thumb, and follow that up with a hammer-on onto the second fret of the 4th string.

Finally: Play the 3rd string with your thumb, then 2nd string with your index finger. This completes one measure.

You can experiment with this idea, using other chords as well. The hammer-on should occur on the string that is the next highest string to the bass note.

Lesson Info
Acoustic Fingerpicking 8: Picker's Goldmine!